Organised by ZABR and GRAIE, the I.S.Rivers conference is supported by various partners:
Organisation Committee
General Secretaries : Anne CLEMENS, ZABR Director and Elodie BRELOT, GRAIE Director
The 2021 Organisation Commitee is composed of:
- Agence de l’eau RMC, Isabelle Eudes
- ASTEE, Nicolas Chantepy
- CNR, Marie Bearez and Thomas Pollin
- DREAL Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, Yves Meinier
- EDF, Isabelle Jacquelet
- FCEN, Eléonore Vandet et Hervé Coquillart
- FEDER , Laëtitia Faure
- Métropole de Lyon, Olivier Pillonel and Matthieu Hervé
- H20 Lyon, Christophe Douady
- Office français de la biodiversité, Josée Peress
- Région Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, Alain Martinet
- Région Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, Antoine Werochowski*
- SGAR, Katerine Bazouin
- SHF, Didier Roult*
- VNF, Olivier Norotte*
*to be confirmed
Sponsors and partners*
Representatives of the professional and scientific Communities:
Institutional and professional partners:
The following French associations also support the conference:
Press partners:
*Subject to confirmation