I.S.Rivers 2018


Online proceedings

Thematic sessions and posters



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I.S.Rivers2018_couv-actes Programme
& abstracts compendium

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Conference general programme

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TUESDAY Sessions    |   WEDNESDAY Sessions    |   THURSDAY Sessions


OPENING PLENARY, 09:15 - 12:30
>> See the podcast (University Lyon 2 website)

Résumé Claudia Pahl-Wostl Claudia Pahl-Wostl,
Full professor for resources management
Institute for Environmental Systems Research (USF), Osnabrück, Germany
"Transforming water governance: A diagnostic approach"
Résumé Tabea Stötter Tabea Stötter,
International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine (ICPR), Germany
"Transboundary cooperation in the Rhine river basin"
Résumé Michael Murray-Hudson Michael Murray-Hudson,
Senior Research Scholar in Wetland Ecology
University of Botswana
"Hydro-Ecological functioning and management of the Cubango-Okavango River Basin"



A1 - Geomorphological trajectory - Tuesday 14:00-16:00
Chaired by: Ian Fuller, Massey University, New Zealand – Oldrich Navratil, CNRS UMR 5600 Univ Lyon 2, France
  Time List of authors Country Title Room
Résumé 14:00 Trenc N., Duplić A., Matoš B., Topić R., Velić J., Ćaleta M. CROATIA Human induced change of the natural geomorphological system and its consequences for the biodiversity of the Sava River west of Zagreb A
Résumé 14:20 Jiang H., Rutherfurd I.D. AUSTRALIA Trajectory of changes in river management and channel geometry: the case study of middle and lower Han River in Central China A
Résumé 14:40 Serlet A., Gurnell A., Zolezzi G., Wharton G., Belleudy P., Jourdain C. ITALY Human impacts leading to biomorphological changes in the Isère river (France) over the last century A
Résumé 15:00 Marquínez García J., Fernández-Iglesias E., Colina Vuelta A., Fernández García M., Salgado Fernández L., Vázquez Tarrío D., Menéndez-Duarte R., González-Rodríguez G. SPAIN Effects of land-use changes during the last 60 years on river channel morphology in the Cantabrian area NW Spain): preliminary results A
Résumé 15:20 Bizzi S., Piégay H., Demarchi L., Van De Bund W., Weissteiner C. ITALY A framework to quantify 50-100 year human-driven channel changes at regional level: the case of the Piedmont region, Italy A
  >> See posters of session A1
B1 - Pollutant fluxes - Tuesday 14:00-16:00
Chaired by: Jean-Luc Probst, ENS Agronomique de Toulouse, France – Julien Némery, Institut des Géosciences de l'Environnement de Grenoble - UMR 5001, France
Résumé 14:00 Golcher C., Cernesson F., Bonin M., Suárez A., Saenz-Segura F., Tournoud M.G. FRANCE Bringing together riverside citizen perception and scientific monitoring to better describe water quality: Case of Liberia River (Costa Rica) B
Résumé 14:20 Poulier G., Launay M., Le Bescond C., Thollet F., Coquery M., Le Coz J. FRANCE Annual budgets of suspended particulate matter and associated pollutants in the Rhone River from Lake Geneva to the Mediterranean Sea B
Summary 14:40 Babut M., Mourier B., Desmet M., Labadie P., Budzinski H., De Alencastro F., Tu T.A., Strady E., Gratiot N. FRANCE Where has the pollution gone? A survey of organic contaminants in Ho-Chi-Minh City / Saigon River (Vietnam) bed sediments B
Résumé 15:00 Henriot C., Hocquet D., Bertrand X., Bornette G. FRANCE Determinism of the presence of pathogenic- and antibiotic-resistant bacteria of human origin in pluvial wetlands B
Résumé 15:20 Charlton M., Bowes M., Hutchins M., Orr H., Bachiller-Jareno N. UNITED KINGDOM Climate change and eutrophication risk thresholds in English rivers B
  >> See posters of session B1
C1 - Ecological continuity - Tuesday 14:00-16:00
- ECRR -

Chaired by: Giancarlo Gusmaroli, CIRF, Italy – Josée Peress, AFB, France
Summary 14:00 Rousson C., Piégay H., Fantino G. FRANCE Building on conceptual and spatial uncertainties of river functioning corridor in order to design a diagnostic framework at the regional scale C
Résumé 14:20 Amaral S., Branco P., Katopodis C., Ferreira M., Pinheiro A., Santos J. PORTUGAL Negotiation of small weirs by potamodromous cyprinids: the effect of key hydraulic parameters C
Résumé 14:40 Despinasse A., Grabowski R., Gill A. UNITED KINGDOM Influence of small in-line structures on the longitudinal connectivity and habitat availability for brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations C
Résumé 15:00 Sidler D., Jacquelin C., Borgeat J. SWITZERLAND FISHLAB - Multi-site video fish inventory on the Geneva section of the Rhone C
Résumé 15:20 Wyżga B., Liro M., Mikuś P., Jeleński J., Radecki-Pawlik A., Plesiński K. POLAND Changes of fluvial processes caused by restoration of an incised mountain stream C
  >> See posters of session C1
D1 - Rivers, a development opportunity - Tuesday 14:00-16:00

Chaired by: Catherine Gremillet, AFEPTB, France – Marylise Cottet, CNRS UMR 5600 EVS ENS Lyon, France
Résumé 14:00 Brun A., Maléfant L., Guerri O., Moinot F., Pustelnik G., Thieleke R., Huyghe G., Debiais N. FRANCE The Dordogne watershed: from a local action to restore the Veyrignac small island to the 'Dordogne 2050' territorial planning foresight D
Résumé 14:20 Privat M.H. FRANCE Manage, protect and enhance rivers to make them levers for growth in the region D
Résumé 14:40 Rode S., Valette P. FRANCE Beyond communal boundaries, the river at the heart of metropolitan project? A comparison between Perpignan and Toulouse D
Résumé 15:00 Clottes L. FRANCE Redevelopment of urban river crossings and large-scale ecological river restoration: the example of the Lyon Metropolitan area D
Résumé 15:20 Sturla J. FRANCE Le Grand Parc – a laboratory for social and environmental innovation D
  >> See posters of session D1

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A2 - Biological trajectory - Tuesday 16:30-18:15
Chaired by: Tom Buijse, Deltares, The Netherlands – Christine Weber, Eawag, Switzerland
Résumé 16:30 Floury M., Delattre C., Maire A., Minaudo C., Moatar F., Souchon Y. FRANCE Long-term trajectories of aquatic communities of the Middle Loire River: functional responses to climate warming and water quality improvement A
Résumé 16:50 Maire A., Thierry E., Viechtbauer W., Daufresne M. FRANCE Long-term trend analyses of fish assemblages in large French rivers A
Résumé 17:10 Legrand M., Briand C.,
Laffaille P.
FRANCE Modification in phenology of amphihaline species facing climate change A
Summary 17:30 Santos R., Poulet N., Besnard A. SWITZERLAND The burden of being a slow-life cycle species: freshwater fish population dynamics in France and correlations to species life traits A
  >> See posters of session A2
B2 - City and disruption - Tuesday 16:30-18:30
Chaired by: Nicolas Flipo, MINES ParisTech, France – Anne Guillon, Département des Hauts-de-Seine, France
Résumé 16:30 Desmet M., Grosbois C., Saravanana S.P., Ambujam N.K., Saravanan R., Nirmala K. FRANCE What kind of tools can we use to outline the urban river pollution in an emerging megacity? Example of Chennai (Tamil Nadu, India) B
Résumé 16:50 Vilmin L., Flipo N., Escoffier N., Rocher V., Groleau A. NETHERLANDS Carbon budget in a large river subject to high human pressure: the Seine River downstream from the Paris urban area B
Résumé 17:10 Nguyen T., Némery J., Gratiot N., Strady E., Aimé J., Dao S., Nguyen A., Tran V. FRANCE Eutrophication risk assessment in the Saigon – Dong Nai Rivers (Southern Vietnam) B
Résumé 17:30 Brion N., Carbonnel V., Verbanck M., Elskens M., Claeys P. BELGIUM Influence of discharge and temperature on the transport of tracer pollutants along an urban river (Zenne, Belgium) B
Résumé 17:50 Tramoy R., Gaspéri J., Colasse L., Fisson C., Bacq N., Sananes S., Rocher V., Rognard F., Viault B., Tassin B. FRANCE Estimating macro waste fluxes in the Seine River: A real Headache? B
  >> See posters of session B2
C2 - Restoration and ecosystem responses - Tuesday 16:30-18:30
- ECRR -

Chaired by: Bart Fokkens, ECRR, The Netherlands – Marc Naura, RRC, UK – Jukka Jormola, SYKE, Finland
Résumé 16:30 Breilh B., Laval F., Guilmin E., Koulinski V. FRANCE Hydromorphological restoration of the Upper Drac River, project management (Hautes-Alpes, France) C
Résumé 16:50 Sivade E., Lamouroux N., Olivier J.M., Moiroud C., Roux-Michollet D. FRANCE Hydro-ecological restoration of the Rhône river and its scientific monitoring: from flow restoration to ecological potential optimisation C
Résumé 17:10 Pont B., Prat Mairet Y., Labroche A. FRANCE Responses of amphibious and terrestrial communities to an increase in minimal streamflow with seasonal modulation C
Résumé 17:30 Janssen P., Piégay H., Evette A. FRANCE Functional composition of gravel bar plant communities along the Rhône River: implications for management and restoration operations C
Résumé 17:50 Dorenbosch M., Liefveld W., Schoor M., Klink A. NETHERLANDS Application of large wood in Rhine habitats rapidly facilitates both native fish and macroinvertebrate communities C
  >> See posters of session C2
D2 - Innovative tools - Tuesday 16:30-18:00
Chaired by: Fanny Arnaud, CNRS UMR 5600 EVS, France – Jérôme Lejot, CNRS UMR 5600 EVS Univ. Lyon 2, France
Résumé 16:30 Marmonier P., Wawrzyniak V., Creuzé des Châtelliers M., Dole-Olivier M.J. FRANCE How to detect hyporheic exchanges of water along a river? Thermal infrared remote sensing versus discrete hyporheic measurements D
Résumé 16:50 Schmitt R., Bizzi S., Giuliani M., Castelletti A., Kondolf M. USA Identifying sustainable and robust trade-offs between hydropower and sediment trapping under uncertain sediment yields in the Mekong River Basin D
Résumé 17:10 Fantino G., Arnaud F., Cassel M., Piégay H. FRANCE Feedback on the effectiveness of bedload mobility RFID monitoring D
Résumé 17:30 Demarchi L., Chormanski J. POLAND MONHYSENSE: Monitoring and characterizing Hydromorphology at the reach scale by emerging Remote Sensing technologies D
  >> See posters of session D2

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Abst. Poster List of authors Country Title Theme
Résumé P1-01 Boutault F., Piégay H., Lascaux J.M., Malavoi J.R., Guerri O. FRANCE Assessment of control factors in recent morphological adjustments of the river channel (20th century) from historical and field data. The middle Dordogne River, France A1
Résumé P1-02 Dunesme S., Piégay H., Mustière S., Melun G. FRANCE Automatic vectorization of old maps, a possible way to characterize the anthropization of river corridors on a regional scale? A1
Résumé P1-03 James A., Monahan C., Ertis B. USA Using LiDAR and spatial modeling to map mine tailings in the Sierra Nevada, California A1
Résumé Résumé Jantzi H., Carozza J.M., Probst J.L., Valette P. FRANCE Geomorphological adjustments of the middle Garonne River downstream of Toulouse (South-West, France) since the 1950s under the effect of in-stream gravel mining A1
Résumé P1-05 Huber A., Pons M., Beisel J.N., Granier C., Weber S. GERMANY Coevolution of interconnected river infrastructures and biodiversity A2
Résumé Résumé Lizée M.H., Carrel G., Poirel A. FRANCE Contemporary trajectory of fish assemblages in the median Lower-Rhône River A2
Résumé Résumé Wantzen K.M., Boisneau C., Soler J., Guerez Y., Jugé P., Morisseau L., Richard N., Sicot M., Prié V., Araujo R. FRANCE Help for a giant: The LIFE + project for the Giant Pearl Mussel (Margaritifera auricularia) A2
Résumé Résumé Cattaneo F., Abadie F., Barras J., Braise V., Collilieux G., Coulon D., Grimardias D., Lecomte E., Nawratil De Bono C., Pressiat F., Rocle M. SWITZERLAND Bi-O-Rhône: Knowledge of seasonal and inter-annual fish biomass variations in the light of sediment management operations on the Swiss and French upper-Rhône River B1
Résumé Résumé Chareyron B. FRANCE Monitoring of the radiological contamination of streams and rivers using aquatic bioindicators B1
Résumé P1-10 Galéa N., Charnoz A., Guilpart A. FRANCE Can we use benthic invertebrates communities to monitor the effects of dredging activities on navigated rivers? B1
Résumé Résumé Grosbois C., Desmet M., Zhang M., Luo L., Shumskykh M., Gassama N., Peng Q., Battaglia-Brunet F. FRANCE Sediments of the Xian river (Hunan, China): sources and mobility of selected trace elements B1
Résumé P1-12 Diaz-Redondo M., Marchamalo M., Morcillo F. PORTUGAL Hydromorphological effects of the renaturalization of an urban river: the Manzanares River in the city of Madrid (Spain) B2
Résumé P1-13 Guillon A., David F. FRANCE Management of material excavated from landscaping worksites on the Seine river banks in the Hauts-de-Seine: from earthworks to soil decontamination B2
Résumé Résumé Lafforgue M. FRANCE Water quality trends in the Mekong and Tonle Sap rivers at Phnom Penh city B2
Résumé P1-15 Mourier B., Strady E., Desmet M., Tu T.A., Némery J., Senna E., Gratiot N., Babut M. FRANCE Impacts of Ho Chi Minh City development on Sb, Zn and Cr associated with sediments of the SaïGòn River B2
Résumé P1-16 Némery J., Nguyen T., Gratiot N., Strady E., Huynh T., Cao S.T. FRANCE Water, sediment and nutrients fluxes in the Saigon Dong Nai Rivers (Vietnam) B2
Résumé Résumé Bonnefond M., Follin J., Corbonnois J., Thommeret N. FRANCE Influence of inline-structures on aquifer water table levels at two sites on the river Sarthe: from instrumentation to modeling C1
Résumé P1-18 Jormola J., Koljonen S. FINLAND Nature-like fish passes as migration routes and compensative habitats C1
Résumé Résumé Lamberet T., Laval F., Guillet M.P., Guitard L. FRANCE Development of an operational method in order to define a river space for southwest tributaries of the Leman lake C1
Résumé Résumé Archambaud-Suard G., Leitao M., Logez M., Bêche L. FRANCE Macroinvertebrates and biofilm temporal dynamics response to natural and experimental floods in Middle-Durance River C2
Résumé Résumé Bêche L., Dumoutier Q., Vulliet J.P., Garrone C. FRANCE Effects of minimum flow increases on aquatic communities in French Mediterranean-climate streams C2
Résumé Résumé Bednarska A., Wyżga B., Mikuś P., Kędzior R. POLAND The response of ground beetles to passive restoration of a mountain river C2
Résumé P1-23 Bertrand M., Brousse G., Borgniet L., Liébault F., Arnaud-Fassetta G., Melun G., Laval F. FRANCE Hydromorphological restoration of the Upper Drac River (Hautes-Alpes, France) C2
Résumé P1-24 Chin A., O'Dowd A., Mendez P., Leventhal R. USA Co-evolving Physical and Biological Organization in a Restoration Reach of Wildcat Creek, California, USA C2
Résumé Résumé Downs P., Gilvear D. UNITED KINGDOM Restoration on the Margins – the efficacy of using gravel augmentation to offset habitat loss in sediment-poor upland channels C2
Résumé Résumé Moore M. USA Engineering Design and Installation of Large Woody Debris (LWD) for Habitat Enhancement, Stabilization, and Fish Passage C2
Résumé P1-27 Natali J., Kondolf M. USA Geomorphic evolution of restored montane meadows: twenty years of ‘Pond and Plug’ restoration of incised channels, Sierra Nevada of California C2
Résumé P1-28 Riquier J., Piégay H., Vaudor L. FRANCE Comparative analysis of hydromorphological conditions in unrestored and restored side channels: feedbacks for management purposes (Rhône, France) C2
Résumé Résumé Staentzel C., Combroux I., Barillier A., Grac C., Beisel J.N. FRANCE Controlled bank erosion and implementation of transverse artificial groynes: responses of biological communities (Upper Rhine, France) C2
Résumé Résumé Dournel S. FRANCE Waterways: levers for development and regional coherence in the medium-sized towns of the Paris basin D1
Résumé Résumé Wichroff E., Sivade E. FRANCE The ecological restoration of the river Rhone, an asset for the local economy of the Upper Rhone area D1
Résumé P1-32 Asaro F., Prati C., Belletti B., Bizzi S., Carbonneau P. ITALY Water channel detection from Sentinel-1 SAR images for large scale river monitoring D2
Résumé Résumé Chasserieau C., Beaufils M., Grimardias D., Bini G., Catinaud L., Huchet P., Vigier L., Cattaneo F., Caudron A. FRANCE The Connectivity on the Arve River and the Rhône River near Geneva highlighted by the telemetry for three species: the brown trout, the barbel and the chub D2
Résumé Résumé Le Coarer Y., Von Gunten D., Zaoui F. FRANCE HABBY: a new software package to estimate aquatic habitat D2
Résumé P1-35 Marchetti G., Bizzi S., Belletti B., Carbonneau P., Castelletti A. ITALY Orbital grain size mapping from Sentinel 2 images D2
Résumé Résumé Masson M., Angot H., Le B., Launay M., Dabrin A., Miege C., Le Coz J., Coquery M. FRANCE Sampling of suspended particulate matter using particle traps in the Rhône River: relevance and representativeness for the monitoring of contaminants D2
Résumé Résumé Nozière F., Poirel A., Lauters F. FRANCE Debris plant flux in fresh water by acoustic echosounder D2
Résumé P1-38 Reynier T., Brothier C., Vandewalle J. FRANCE Use of aquatic drones as environmental instrumentation on the Dordogne river D2
Résumé Résumé Zanker S., Geay T., Recking A., Misset C. FRANCE Passive acoustic monitoring of bedload discharge D2

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A3 - Extreme events - Wednesday 08:30-10:15
Chaired by: Anna Serra-Llobet, Univ. California Berkeley, USA – Stéphane Grivel, Ministère de la transition écologique et solidaire, France
  Time List of authors Country Title Room
Résumé 08:30 Serra-Llobet A., Ludy J., Montané A. USA Regulatory flood maps in the US and the EU: Comparing different approaches A
Résumé 08:50 Gupta K., Nikam V. INDIA Effect of extreme events on urban rivers: Case of Mumbai, India A
Résumé 09:10 Uguen C., Colin R. FRANCE Fostering operational synergies between "technical" and "green" infrastructure in the integrated management of a large river basin A
Résumé 09:30 Billy P., Lang M., Mallet T., Naulet R., Bard A. FRANCE Updating flood assessment of the Rhône river, a new methodology A
  >> See posters of session A3
B3 - Stream-aquifer interactions - Wednesday 08:30-10:15
Chaired by: Pierre Marmonier, UMR CNRS 5023, Univ. Lyon 1 – Didier Graillot, Mines St Etienne, France
Résumé 08:30 Flipo N., Baratelli F., Parlanti E., Guillon S., Varrault G., Jost A., Sourzac M., Rivière A., Mouchel J.M. FRANCE Hydro-geochemical characterization of an alluvial plain during a flood: case study of “la Bassée” B
Résumé 08:50 Bätz N., Colombini P., Cherubini P., Lane S. SWITZERLAND Groundwater and vegetation succession: controls on river morphodynamics and morphology B
Résumé 09:10 Nofal S., Jacopin B., Fenart P., Picon P., Moreau L., Lloret E. FRANCE Aquifer-river relationship in the flood plain of Avignon (South-East of France): prospection based on hydraulic measurements B
Résumé 09:30 Courtot L., Pistre S., Fenart P., Jacopin B., Nofal S., Duverger E., Mercier F., Escande V., Moreau L., Picon P. FRANCE Assessment of the impact of hydraulic works on alluvial aquifers using a new approach to estimating aquifer / river exchanges – case study on the lower Durance (France) B
C3 - Functional diagnosis before restoration - Wednesday 08:30-10:15
Chaired by: Nicolas Lamouroux, IRSTEA, France – Anne Vivier, AFB, France
Résumé 08:30 Ferraiolo F., Sauli G., Valentini R., Ristorto G., Mazzetto F., Gallo R., Corso R., Zorzi N. ITALY The WEQUAL project: an innovative method for river ecological quality assessment C
Résumé 08:50 Branco P., Segurado P., Almeida C., Neves R., Ferreira M. PORTUGAL Riverscaping basin management – Understanding multiple stress effects and their future impact on biotic quality C
Résumé 09:10 Grosso C., Azimi-Gaylon S. USA Delta Environmental Data to Understand a California Estuary (DEDUCE): An Estuary-Wide Data Repository C
Résumé 09:30 Courty S., Depasse J. FRANCE An innovative decision-making initiative named Alter' and applied to the migrating fish populations in the Garonne river C
  >> See posters of session C3
D3 - City-river interactions - Wednesday 08:30-10:15
Chaired by: Matt Kondolf, Collegium - IAE de Lyon – Amir Gohar, Univ. California Berkeley, USA
Résumé 08:30 Kondolf G.M., Comby E., Le Lay Y.F. USA Connectivity of urban rivers and environmental justice D
Résumé 08:50 Pinto P., Kondolf G.M. PORTUGAL The fit of urban waterfront interventions: matters of size, money and function D
Résumé 09:10 Balakrishnan K. INDIA Sabarmati Riverfront Development: An Exercise in ‘High-Modernism’? D
Résumé 09:30 Haghe J.P., Euzen A. FRANCE A new political categorization of water bodies: swimming in open water. The example of Paris, "swimmable city" D
  >> Complete Collegium session (oral-poster) D3

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A4 - History of public policies - Wednesday 10:45-12:45
Chaired by: Claudia Pahl-Wostl, Osnabrück University, Germany – James Linton, Geolab, Univ. Limoges, France
Résumé 10:45 Carre C., Meybeck M., Lestel L. FRANCE How have knowledge, monitoring and regulation contributed to the improvement in quality of major French rivers (1850 - 2017)? A
Résumé 11:05 Flaminio S., Piégay H., Le Lay Y.F. FRANCE A Farewell to Big Dams: The 1980s, a Pivotal Moment in River Planning? A
Résumé 11:25 Dournel S., Lestel L. FRANCE Regulatory and administrative effects on the evolution of the Seine estuary landscapes A
Résumé 11:45 Comby E., Le Lay Y.-F., Piégay H. FRANCE They built a Rhône River. Socio-ecological fix and changing landscapes from 1945 to 2013 A
Résumé 12:05 Frioux S. FRANCE The Rhône river in the context of the rise of a French environmental policy A
B4 - Sediment dynamics - Wednesday 10:45-12:45
Chaired by: Joe Wheaton, Utah State University, USA – Laurent Schmitt, Université de Strasbourg, France
Résumé 10:45 Vázquez Tarrío D., Tal M., Camenen B., Piégay H. FRANCE Bedload transport capacities along the Rhone river (France): a spatio-temporal overview B
Résumé 11:05 Chardon V., Schmitt L., Piégay H., Houssier J., Lague D., Clutier A. FRANCE Methods of grain size estimation in restored reaches of large rivers: potentiality and limitations B
Résumé 11:25 Goutaland D., Bachellerie D., Lecomte J., Franck-Néel C. FRANCE Operational approach to assessing the risk of sediment trapping related to capture by former gravel pits in the flood plain: River Allier, France B
Résumé 11:45 Lawler D., Stewart E. UNITED KINGDOM Modelling downstream change in river flood power and bank erosion: a novel approach combining flood flow assessment with Digital Elevation Models of stream slope B
Résumé 12:05 Fuller I., Death R. NEW ZEALAND Integrating geomorphology and ecology for resilient river management in an era of global change B
  >> See posters of session B4
C4 - Ecological engineering - Wednesday 10:45-12:30
Chaired by: André Evette, IRSTEA, France – Hervé Coquillart, FCEN, France
Résumé 10:45 Flohr J.-M., Peguin F., Robert M. FRANCE Diversion and ecological restoration of the Ancenneaux river – Testing and development of ecological engineering techniques on the Guadeloupe river banks C
Résumé 11:05 Prunier P., Huber L., Frossard P.-A., Charmetant S., Brasier W. SWITZERLAND From natural model to cuttings C
Résumé 11:25 Bruno D., Zapata V., Conesa A., Guareschi S., Picazo F., Dettori E., Millán A., Robledano F., Velasco J. FRANCE LIFE+ RIPISILVANATURA: Biomonitoring and short-term assessment of restoration measures to control invasive alien species in the Segura River (Spain) C
Résumé 11:45 Nakamura F., Ishiyama N. JAPAN Adaptation to climate change and conservation of biodiversity using green infrastructure C
  >> See the poster of session C4
D4 - Awareness and perception - Wednesday 10:45-12:30
Chaired by: Sylvie Servain, UMR CITERES Univ. Tours, France – Claire Bouteloup, Agence de l'eau RMC, France
Résumé 10:45 Zawiejska J., Wróbel M. POLAND Public perception of river naturalness: insights for education and social support of river restoration efforts D
Résumé 11:05 Cournez E. FRANCE Tracking the Allier: the story of an untamed river – a combined approach using natural and historical heritage so that riparian owners can re-appropriate the functioning and development of the river D
Résumé 11:25 Grard Verzat M., Monin P. FRANCE From the study of ecosystem services towards a territorial-integrated management plan D
Résumé 11:45 Favre-Bac F., p/o the Collective "Éducation aux territoires du fleuve Rhône" FRANCE The "Education in territories of the Rhône River” network: a way to interact with residents D
  >> See the poster of session D4

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A5 - Adapting to changes - Wednesday 14:00-16:00
Chaired by: Laurent Simon, UMR CNRS 5023, Université Lyon 1, France – Sauquet Eric, IRSTEA, France
Résumé 14:00 Feuillette S., Raout F. FRANCE Strategy for climate change adaptation on the Seine-Normandy river basin A
Résumé 14:20 Richard B., Sauquet E., Devers A., Prudhomme C. FRANCE Water restrictions under climate change: a Rhone-Mediterranean perspective combining ‘bottom up’ and ‘top-down’ approaches A
Résumé 14:40 Fournier M., Strosser P., Mattheiss V. FRANCE Introducing the Nexus concept to better manage and adapt large-rivers basins: example from the Upper-Rhine A
Résumé 15:00 Tombozafy M., Rossignol B. FRANCE Adaptation of the management of the Naussac and Villerest dams to the impacts of climate change A
Résumé 15:20 Branger F., Gouttevin I., Tilmant F., Cipriani T., Barachet C., Montginoul M., Le Gros C., Sauquet E., Braud I., Leblois E. FRANCE A distributed hydrological model to assess the impact of global change on water resources in the Rhône catchment A
  >> See posters of session A5
B5 - Ecosystem services - Wednesday 14:00-16:00
Chaired by: Robert Grabowski, Cranfield University, UK – Sylvie Morardet, IRSTEA, France
Summary 14:00 Dybala K., Matzek V., Gardali T., Seavy N. USA Carbon sequestration in riparian forests: a global meta-analysis B
Résumé 14:20 Carolli M., Beichler S., Costea G. GERMANY Assessing linkages between river morphology and ecosystem services provided by Alpine rivers: the EU HyMoCARES project B
Résumé 14:40 Ioana-Toroimac G., Zaharia L., Neculau G., Constantin D.M., Stan F.I. ROMANIA Ecosystem services of natural versus modified rivers: a perception-based study in Romania B
Résumé 15:00 Sans F., Saint-Michel M. FRANCE Services rendered by the Garonne river to the inhabitants of its territory: example of the "European Rivers Territories" project B
Résumé 15:20 Da Costa P., Detry P., Hernandez D. FRANCE Economic valuation of the ecosystem services provided by the Taravo River (South Corsica) B
  >> See the poster of session B5
C5 - Restoration monitoring - Wednesday 14:00-16:00
Chaired by: Teresa Ferreira, University of Lisbon, Portugal – Jérémie Riquier, CNRS UMR 5600 EVS, France
Résumé 14:00 Weber C. SWITZERLAND Comparing apples and oranges? Accounting for project diversity in monitoring and evaluation programs for river restoration C
Résumé 14:20 Meynard M., Tuaux S., Melun G., Reyjol Y., Vivier A. FRANCE Minimal Scientific Monitoring: a guide for scientific monitoring of hydromorphological river restoration C
Résumé 14:40 Lamouroux N., Cauvy-Fraunié S., Vaudor L., Olivier J.M., Trenkel V., Maire A., Forcellini M., Roset N. FRANCE Optimizing biological monitoring (long-term surveys, restoration assessments) in large rivers and other environments C
Résumé 15:00 Faro D., Andreoli A., Aufleger M., Baran R., Baumgartner K., Bertoldi W., Bussettini M., Carolli M., Comiti F., Demarchi L., Jocham S., Klar R., Marangoni N., Parasiewicz P., Politti E., Scorpio V., Steinbacher F., Vezza P., Zolezzi G. ITALY FHARMOR: Fish Habitat in Alpine Rivers – Integrating Monitoring, Modelling and Remote sensing C
Résumé 15:20 Pont D., Rocle M., Maire A., Civade R., Roset N., Dejean T., Valentini A., Jean P. FRANCE eDNA, a new efficient method to study fish communities in large rivers C
  >> See the poster of session C5
D5 - Social values associated with rivers - Wednesday 14:00-16:00
Chaired by: Jean-Louis Michelot, Ecosphere, France – Anne Gangloff, C.C. Drôme Sud Provence, France
Résumé 14:00 Vaz De Figueiredo L., Saraiva M., Loupa-Ramos I. PORTUGAL Between ecological and social perspectives: towards a methodology to evaluate the social-cultural component of fluvial landscapes in the urban context D
Résumé 14:20 Linton J., Jacquin N., Morandi B. FRANCE Living Rivers Project: Index of Socio-fluvial Activities D
Résumé 14:40 Chemery J.-B., Gasc G.,
Sureau-Blanchet N.
FRANCE A look at the uses and perceptions of two Mediterranean rivers D
Résumé 15:00 Cirelli C., Amalric M. FRANCE Postcards revealing representations and values associated with the river: ancient and modern images of the Loire D
Résumé 15:20 Adam M., Cottet M., Collard A.L., Coussout L., Rivière-Honegger A., Morardet S., Vaudor L. FRANCE When cyclists rediscover the banks of the Rhone River. New access, new values? D

  haut de la page

A6 - Dams and sediments - Wednesday 16:30-18:15
Chaired by: Jean-René Malavoi, EDF, France – Anne Chin, University of Colorado Denver, USA
Résumé 16:30 Tinoco V., Kondolf M. ECUADOR Sustainable Sediment Management in the Amazon River Basin through Strategic Dam Planning A
Résumé 16:50 Loire R., Piégay H., Malavoi J.R., Kondolf M. FRANCE Flushing flow downstream of dams: reconciling electricity production and environment A
Résumé 17:10 Terrier B., Baran P., Lamouroux N. FRANCE Hydromorphological indicators of ecological risks associated to hydropeaking A
Résumé 17:30 Brousse G., Bertrand M., Arnaud-Fassetta G., Liébault F., Borgniet L., Melun G., Loire R., Malavoi J.R., Fantino G. FRANCE Monitoring of a sediment replenishment operation: The case of the Saint-Sauveur dam in the Buëch River (Southern Alps, France) A
B6 - Aquatic vegetation and management issues - Wednesday 16:30-18:15
Chaired by: Michael Murray-Hudson, University of Botswana – Sara Puijalon, UMR CNRS 5023, France
Résumé 16:30 Navratil O., Puijalon S., Brekenfeld N., Lejot J., Piola F. FRANCE Multi-scale analysis of environmental filters limiting the invasibility of stream banks by Asian Knotweed (Fallopia sp.) B
Résumé 16:50 Nogaro G., Tollié A., Chauvin C. FRANCE Temporal and spatial evolution of macrophyte communities related to environmental changes in two French large rivers B
Résumé 17:10 Jourdain C., Claude N., Antoine G., Tassi P., Cordier F. FRANCE Riparian vegetation management in embanked rivers: insights from numerical modelling experiments B
Summary 17:30 Roger A., Marin S., Dubois A., Guerin V., Jorge V., Villar M. FRANCE Genetic diversity and structure of Populus nigra L. seedlings following regeneration events between 2008 and 2017 on the Mareau-aux-Prés islands B
C6 - Strategic vision for restoration - Wednesday 16:30-18:15
Chaired by: Rebecca Tharme, Riverfutures, UK – Stanley Gregory, Oregon State University, USA
Résumé 16:30 Masson A.-L., Henry C., Laffont Y., Rocle M. FRANCE Evolution of the Rhone ecological restoration principles: feedback on 20 years of works C
Résumé 16:50 Diaz-Redondo M., Egger G., Marchamalo M., Damm C., Proença De Oliveira R., Schmitt L. PORTUGAL Process-oriented river restoration scenarios for a large river-floodplain system: the Upper Rhine River (France, Germany) C
Résumé 17:10 Tompkins M., Wittler R., Blanco C., Peterson J., Gill S. USA Prioritizing Sacramento River and San Joaquin River salmonid habitat restoration with open data and structured decision making C
Résumé 17:30 Bonnefond M., Fournier M. FRANCE Land transaction as a local governance process: from river restoration projects to bottom valleys management (the case of the Loire river basin) C
  >> See posters of session C6
D6 - Stakeholder participation - Wednesday 16:30-18:15
Chaired by: Laëtitia Faure, Région Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, France – Olivier Barreteau, IRSTEA, France
Résumé 16:30 Hassenforder E., Ferrand N., Girard S., Mammoliti Mochet A., Eme C., Kristan M., Šantl S., Muhar S., Polt R., Böck K., Schneiderbauer S. FRANCE Citizen participation in Strategic Planning for Alpine River Ecosystems D
Résumé 16:50 Vall-Casas P., Ribas A., Benages-Albert M., Garcia X., Mendoza C., Colacios R., Cuéllar A., Pavon D. SPAIN Propelling public participation in urban river rehabilitation: Viu la riera!, a participatory process in the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona D
Résumé 17:10 Golam M., Nahiduzzaman M. BANGLADESH Development of co-management model for large river system in Bangladesh D
Résumé 17:30 Cremin E., Linton J., Jacquin N. FRANCE "What is the Dordogne River for you?” A participatory film on citizen participation in water management D
  >> See posters of session D6

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Abst. Poster List of authors Country Title Theme
Résumé Résumé Dubos-Paillard E., Gautier-Costard E., Grancher D., Chionne D. FRANCE People’s perception and information of flood risk: The case of the inner Paris suburbs A3
Résumé Résumé Grivel S., Ngo A.T. FRANCE Increased risk of flooding by typhoons and vulnerabilities in the Ha-Thanh basin (Vietnam) A3
Résumé P2-03 Koch A., Cossalter A., Defroidmont J. FRANCE Flood risk management: Feedback of an experimental real-time flood forecasting system setup A3
Résumé P2-04 Otmane A., Baba-Hamed K., Bouanani A., Kebir L.W., Ghabi M. ALGERIA Impact of drought on water retention: the Mekerra sub-basins (Macta, NW-Algeria) A3
Résumé Résumé Brenot A., Gailhard J., Le Lay M., Martinet C., Joly A., Meier L., Michelangeli P.A. FRANCE Rhone River water discharge forcast until 2100, under the pressure of climate changes A5
Résumé Résumé Caillouet L., Pelte T., Mastropasqua N. FRANCE Characterisation of climate change vulnerabilities for the Corsica basin: an index-based method to assess water issues A5
Résumé Résumé Fenoglio S., Bruno M., Doretto A., Falasco E., Piano E., Bona F. ITALY Global climate change and local factors cause hydrological intermittence in Alpine rivers: what are the impacts on biological communities? A5
Résumé Résumé Leitao M., Abonyi A., Descy J., Lancon A.M., Minaudo C., Moatar F. FRANCE Global changes incidence on phytoplankton, with special reference to cyanobacteria, in the R. Loire (France) A5
Résumé Résumé Mas Ponce A., Sànchez-Mateo S., Pla E., Boada Juncà M. SPAIN Socio-ecological indicators to evaluate Global Change effects on Mediterranean river basins. The study cases of Tordera and Besòs River Basins A5
Résumé P2-10 Bretier M., Dabrin A., Panay J., Le Bescond C., Grisot G., Dherret L., Gahou J., Bessueille-Barbier F., Coquery M. FRANCE Assessment of the impact of Rhône River dam flushing operations on water quality using passive sampling technique A7
Résumé Résumé Gautreau E., Nogaro G., Gouze E., Mermillod-Blondin F., Volatier L., Marmonier P. FRANCE Contribution of the sediment compartment to nutrient stocks and fluxes in a reservoir A7
Résumé Résumé Lepage H., Launay M., Eyrolle-Boyer F., Le Coz J., Coquery M., Angot H., Radakovitch O. FRANCE Consequences of a dam flushing operation on concentration and fluxes of suspended sediment and associated contaminants in the Rhône River A7
Résumé Résumé Nouvion-Dupray S., Soave R., Song J., Charnoz A., Guilpart A. FRANCE Do dredging operations impact the physico-chemical quality of surface water? A7
Summary P2-14 Parker A., Courtin-Nomade A., Bordas F., Robin V., Malet E., Fanget B., Pignol C., Develle A.L., Sabatier P. FRANCE A chronicle of metallic element contamination: sediment record in a mining-affected dam reservoir context A7
Résumé P2-15 Pons M.-N., Parlanti E., Courson O., Del Nero M., Sourzac M. FRANCE Characterization by optical methods and high-resolution mass spectrometry of the Seine River dissolved organic matter (DOM) A7
Résumé P2-16 Seignemartin G., Piégay H., Tena A., Lecomte P.H., Winiarski T., Roux G., Raepple B. FRANCE Sediment patterns and metallic signatures (Lead, Zinc & Nickel) on the “mid” Rhône River engineered margins –Multi-sites comparative study A7
Résumé Résumé Vauclin S., Winiarski T., Mourier B., Roux G., Seignemartin G., Tena A., Piégay H. FRANCE Investigating the legacy sediments in the Péage-de-Roussillon bypass (Rhône River, France) by a combined geophysical and coring approach A7
Résumé P2-18 Broothaerts N., Verstraeten G. BELGIUM From natural to human-dominated floodplains – A Holocene perspective for river catchments in Flanders, Belgium B4
Résumé Résumé Camenen B., Naudet G., Dramais G. FRANCE Sand dynamics at the Isère-Rhône confluence B4
Résumé Résumé Fernandes M., Aguiar F., Martins M., Rivaes R., Kuriqi A., Ferreira M.T. PORTUGAL Hydromorphological evolution of large Iberian rivers: the role of anthropogenic pressure in Tagus and Minho Rivers B4
Résumé Résumé Gilles G., Laval F., Jouanneau C., Cassel M., Dépret T., Perrissin-Fabert A. FRANCE Hydrosedimentary diagnosis of the Rhone in Lyon urban area from the confluence with the Ain river to the Pierre-Benite dam B4
Résumé P2-22 Tal M., Vázquez-Tarrío D., Piégay H., Parrot E. FRANCE Bed elevation along the Rhone river (France): a spatio-temporal overview B4
Résumé Résumé Arguello Velasquez J., Parmentier H., Merchez L., Negrutiu I., Weber J.L. FRANCE Preliminary water and river accounts for the Rhône river watershed B5
Summary Résumé Gumiero B., Collari F., Puppi G., Zanotti A.L. ITALY Evolution of riparian vegetation after clear cutting B7
Résumé Résumé Pont B., Fritsch B., Prat Mairet Y., Labroche A., Faton J.M. FRANCE Bio-indicators for assessment and monitoring of fluvial dynamics B7
Résumé P2-26 Räpple B., Stella J., Piégay H., Gruel C.R., Franquet E. USA Multiple stressors and novel ecosystems – riparian forest characteristics and future trends on the Rhône River (France) B7
Résumé P2-27 Villar M., Augustin S., Chantereau M., Chevalier R., Denux O., Greulich S., Guerin V., Jorge V., Lefebvre M., Mårell A., Rodrigues S., Wintenberger C., Dupré R. FRANCE Five-year study of consequences of fluvial maintenance operations on the biodiversity in the Mareau-aux-Prés islands (National Reserve of Saint-Mesmin, Loire River, France) B7
Résumé Résumé Bätz N., Weber C. SWITZERLAND Hydropeaking mitigation in Switzerland: collaborative learning between research and practice C3
Résumé Résumé Georges B., Piégay H., Huylenbroeck L., Lejeune P., Brostaux Y. BELGIUM Relation between the thermal regime of rivers and their environment on a regional scale (Wallonia, Belgium) C3
Résumé Résumé Morel M., Booker D., Stewardson M., Vivier A., Piégay H., Gob F., Tamisier V., Lamouroux N. FRANCE Modelling the hydraulics of river networks and management applications C3
Résumé P2-31 Tisserant M., Petit-Prost M., Evette A., Gonzalez E., Poulin M. CANADA Understanding processes structuring riparian plant communities in riverbanks to improve bioengineering works for bank stabilization C4
Résumé Résumé Schoor M., Liefveld W., Dionisio Pires M., Jans L., Barts N. NETHERLANDS How shipping influences the ecological functioning of man-made side channels in the river Rhine C5
Résumé Résumé Laval F., Retailleau E. FRANCE Hydromorphological restoration of the Gardon d’Anduze river (Gard, France). What strategy for sediment reintroduction? C6
Résumé Résumé Morandi B., Piégay H., Vivier A. FRANCE Restoration of French watercourses: how have definitions and practices evolved in time and space? What suggestions for future action? C6
Résumé P2-35 Sytsma A., Natali J., Kondolf G.M. USA Restoration of aging concrete channels through a watershed-scale approach to green infrastructure: a framework and case-study in a suburban California watershed C6
Résumé Résumé David M., Valette P., Carozza J.M., Cottet M. FRANCE Restoration of ecosystem services along the Garonne River downstream from Toulouse (SW France): objectives, project management and territories C7
Résumé Résumé Thomas G., Weber C., Aberg U. SWITZERLAND Towards a collaborative learning in river restoration in Switzerland C7
Résumé Résumé Vervier P., Saint-Michel M., Sans F. FRANCE Accept'Socio-Eco: Assessment of social and economic impacts of management or planning programmes on wetlands C7
Résumé Résumé Gohar A., Kondolf M. USA Bridges Over the Nile: Transportation Corridors Transformed into Public Spaces D3
Résumé Résumé Losada Gómez J., Santasusagna Riu A., Tort Donada J. SPAIN Engineering, politics and territorial planning of Madrid’s river spaces. The historical transformation of the Manzanares river through great urban development operations D3
Résumé Résumé Murbach De Oliveira B., Carmona Ribeiro A.C. BRAZIL Tamanduateí yesterday and today: perspectives for an urban river D3
Résumé P2-43 Pillonel O., Lericolais M. FRANCE Lyon Metropole - Voies Navigables de France: a 20-year partnership for the assertion of a fluvial metropolis D3
Résumé Résumé Parmentier H., Andrieu D., Servain S., Rivière-Honegger A., Armani G. FRANCE Integration of Blue Corridors in the urban requalification projects of riverside conurbations (Lyon, Nantes, France) D3
Résumé P2-45 Shi S., Kondolf M. CHINA The characteristics and influencing factors of the urban river transformation in China D3
Résumé Résumé Ruiz-Villanueva V., Díez-Herrero A., García J.A., Ollero A., Piégay H., Stoffel M. SWITZERLAND Public´s negative perception towards wood in rivers, does it relate to recent impact of flooding? D4
Résumé Résumé Durey L. FRANCE Producing the Rhône: a reconsideration through social imaginaries D6
Résumé P2-48 Humblet M., Comby E., Le Lay Y.F., Pustelnik G., Hurisse S., Benchena N. FRANCE From a scientific method to a tool for river management: a better understanding of social perceptions in a French catchment D6
Résumé P2-49 Martin P. FRANCE Aesthetics of extreme phenomena and social constructs of drought D6
Résumé Résumé Muhar S., Ferrand N., Šantl S., Mammoliti Mochet A., Hassenforder E., Girard S., Kocijančič U., Scheikl S., Seliger C., Graf C., Schauppenlehner T., Polt R., Böck K. AUSTRIA SPARE - Strategic Planning for Alpine River Ecosystems – Integrating protection and development D6
Résumé Résumé Zanetti C., Liency N. FRANCE Riparian vegetation management: reconciling environnemental and antropogenic issues D6

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CLOSING PLENARY, 11:00 - 12:30
>> See the podcast (University Lyon 2 website)

Résumé Jean-Louis Michelot Jean-Louis Michelot,
Regional director
Ecosphère, France
Sensitive Rhône river
Résumé Rebecca Tharme Rebecca Tharme,
Director of Riverfutures & independent aquatic ecologist, United-Kingdom
Rivers, Flows and People - Connecting Ecosystems with Human Communities, Cultures and Livelihoods


A7 - Suspended solids, sedimentation & human impacts - Thursday 08:30-10:30
Chaired by: Brice Mourier, UMR CNRS 5023, ENTPE, France – Thomas Pollin, CNR, France
  Time List of authors Country Title Room
Résumé 08:30 Vercruysse K., Grabowski R. UNITED KINGDOM Temporal variation in suspended sediment transport and processes A
Résumé 08:50 Cattanéo F., Nawratil de Bono C., Diouf S., Guillard J., Grimardias D. SWITZERLAND Comparison of two fine sediment release strategies from a large hydroelectric dam (Verbois dam, Rhône River, Switzerland) on the fish community A
Résumé 09:10 Schwendel A., Aalto R., Buckley S., Nicholas A. UNITED KINGDOM Inundation and sediment dispersion on a natural floodplain along the Rio Beni, Bolivian Amazon A
Résumé 09:30 Mouchel J.-M., Ayrault S., Coynel A., Debret M., Grosbois C., Labadie P., Montargès-Pelletier E., Mourier B. FRANCE A synthesis of long term contamination of French rivers revealed by sediment cores A
Résumé 09:50 Bedell J.-P., Liber Y., Dabrin A., Hammada M., Mourier B. FRANCE Variations of trace elements in sediment cores of the upper and middle Rhône river A
  >> See posters of session A7
B7 - Flood plains and river ecosystems - Thursday 08:30-10:30
Chaired by: Futoshi Nakamura, Hokkaido University, Japan – John Stella, State University of New York, USA
Résumé 08:30 Jeanney B., Doncheva M., Grivel S., Gautier E., Pointecouteau N. FRANCE Analysis of hydrological and biogeomorphological factors impacting the nesting birds of the active bed (middle Loire River – France) B
Résumé 08:50 Singer M., Sargeant C., Evans C., Dritschel D. USA Climate-controlled water availability to riparian forest trees B
Résumé 09:10 Aguiar F., Fernandes M., Martins M., Silva P.C., Chelu A., Ferreira M.T. PORTUGAL Into human-disturbed landscapes: functional linkages between land-use, geomorphology and the diversity of riparian plant ecosystems B
Résumé 09:30 Ravot C., Laslier M., Hubert-Moy L., Dufour S., Bernez I. FRANCE New Sélune River (Normandy, France) margins following large dam removal: ecological restoration perspectives considering the successional vegetation dynamics of alluvial deposits B
Résumé 09:50 Huylenbroeck L., Claessens H., Georges B., Lejeune P., Michez A. BELGIUM Estimation of the volume of wood in riverside woodlands that could contribute to their management: remote sensing over a substantial length (230 km) B
  >> See posters of session B7
C7 - Restoration and perception - Thursday 08:30-10:30
Chaired by: Anne Honegger, CNRS UMR 5600 EVS - ENS Lyon, France – Isabelle Jacquelet, EDF, France
Résumé 08:30 Rodríguez-González P., Arsénio P., Bernez I., Dias F., Bugalho M., Dufour S. PORTUGAL Good and beautiful? Associated changes in ecological quality and social perception of passively restored river reaches in Portugal and France C
Résumé 08:50 Bonnefond M., Cirelli C., Fournier M., Serrano J., Servain S. FRANCE Social reception of river restoration projects on the Loire riverbed between Angers and Nantes C
Résumé 09:10 Wantzen K.M. FRANCE Urban River Restoration in the Global South – problem analysis and suggestions by the UNESCO Chair for River Culture / Fleuves et Patrimoine C
Résumé 09:30 Gangloff A., Moiroud C. FRANCE Rhône and men: consultation as part of conception C
Résumé 09:50 Cornuau P., De Stoppeleire S., Girou A., Valette P. FRANCE Rediscovering the river Garonne: analysing the changes in riverside societies' perception C
  >> See posters of session C7
D7 - Governance - Thursday 08:30-10:30
Chaired by: Emeline Comby, Univ. Franche-Comté, France – Regis Visiedo, EPTB Saône et Doubs, France
Résumé 08:30 Gouisset Y. FRANCE Towards an integrated French-Swiss governance of the Rhône basin D
Résumé 08:50 Visiedo R., Bos-Marrocq E., Parra S. FRANCE A transboundary collaborative governance for a large watershed D
Résumé 09:10 Cavillon C., Renaud C., Thicoïpe C. FRANCE Faced with territorial decentralization policy: anticipation and consultation in a margin watershed D
Résumé 09:30 Richard S. FRANCE Transforming multilevel water governance: feedbacks from the Durance river case study D
Résumé 09:50 Moreau A.L., Bidault S. FRANCE Better integrating water in land-use planning policies to prevent flood risk: a new practice pushed by GEMAPI* competency acquisition? D