A |
Abad J. |
Langendoen E., Abad J., Bennett S. |
A multifaceted approach to prioritize and design bank stabilization measures along the Big Sioux River, South Dakota, USA |
Aelbrecht D. |
Pinte K., Clutier A., Schmitt L., Aelbrecht D., Skupinsky G., Eschbach D., Hubeny A. |
Restoring a large by-passed river reach (Old Rhine, France) by controlled lateral erosion: first results concerning bathymetry, topography, bedload survey and grain size analysis |
Alber A. |
Grivel S., Melun G., Alber A. |
For a multi-scale integrated approach in hydromorphology: improving knowledge and operational requirements (France) |
Alber A. |
Alber A., Piégay H., Belletti B. |
Managing the laterally active rivers of the Rhône basin: production of large-scale thematic maps for helping managers to plan preservation and restoration of the erodible corridor |
Alber A. |
Gautier J.-N., Alber A. |
SYRAH: a guidance tool for the hydromorphological restoration of rivers |
Alberic P. |
Coularis C., Tisnérat-Laborde N., Fontugne M., Pastor L., Siclet F., Alberic P. |
Seasonal evolution of carbon exchanges between the different compartments of carbon (DIC, DOC and POC) using carbon isotopes (12C, 13C and 14C) in the Loire river basin |
Albuquerque A. |
Rodríguez-González P.M., Albuquerque A., Martínez-Almarza M., Díaz-Delgado R. |
Spatio-temporal vegetation indicators of Southern European floodplain forests vulnerability |
Alfenas J. |
Filizola N., Oliveira T., Armijos E., Zumak A., Fraizy P., Alfenas J., Sampaio F., Fenzl N. |
An Amazonian fluvial survey and its contributions to a strategic action plan on the water resource management on the world biggest watershed |
Alibert M. |
Boucher Y., Alibert M., Assani A. |
Analysis of the morphological evolution of a semi-alluvial river channel: the case of the Matawin River |
Allard P. |
Allard P. |
Periodization of the interactions between society and the river ecosystem: The Rhone over time |
Allemand P. |
Wawrzyniak V., Piégay H., Allemand P., Grandjean P., Goma R. |
Characterization of thermal refuges along the lower Ain River using thermal infrared remote sensing: implications for conservation and restoration |
Amirowicz A. |
Wyżga B., Przebięda M., Paweł M., Radecki-Pawlik A., Amirowicz A., Oglęcki P., Zawiejska J. |
Environment-friendly reduction of flood risk and infrastructure damage in a mountain river: case study of the Czarny Dunajec |
Andersen R. |
Bourgeois B., Vanasse A., Andersen R., González E., Poulin M. |
Plant succession following restoration of riparian communities by tree plantation in agricultural landscapes |
Andre A. |
Andre A., Magnan D., Malbrunot A. |
Sediment transport and morphology of SANAGA River (CAMEROUN) close to Nachtigal dam site |
Andriamahefa H. |
Andriamahefa H., Charrais J., Da Costa P., Detry P., Malavoi J.-R., Berne A. |
The French Ecolabel “Wild River Site”: a New Conservation Tool for Outstanding Rivers |
Andries E. |
Dugué V., Le Coz J., Camenen B., Faure J.-B., Walter C., Andries E., Launay M. |
A 1-D hydro-sedimentary numerical model to improve the understanding of suspended particulate matters and contaminant fluxes in the Rhône River |
Andrieu D. |
Servain S., Andrieu D., Douvinet J., Graillot D., Paran F. |
Valuing the words of local actors in preventive measures – For feedback on vulnerability to flooding in three towns of the Loire basin |
Angot H. |
Radakovitch O., Gairoard S., Coquery M., Launay M., Le Coz J., Angot H., Fornier M., Le Bescond C., Eyrolle-Boyer F., Dabrin A. |
Dealing with particulate trace metal data in a large river system: examples from the Rhone Sediment Observatory |
Angot H. |
Le Bescond C., Thollet F., Le Coz J., Launay M., Angot H., Coquery M., Gairoard S., Radakovitch O., Antonelli C., Eyrolle-Boyer F., Pairaud I., Raimbault P. |
Observation strategy for quantifying particulate contaminant fluxes along the Rhône River: the Rhône Sediment Observatory (OSR) |
Ansart P. |
Flipo N., Rivière A., Mouhri A., Cuisinier E., Pasquet S., Bodet L., Rejiba F., Jost A., Berrhouma A., Tallec G., Durand V., Ansart P., Baudin A., Goblet P. |
Quantification of high frequency stream-aquifer exchanges from the local to the watershed scale |
Antonelli C. |
Le Bescond C., Thollet F., Le Coz J., Launay M., Angot H., Coquery M., Gairoard S., Radakovitch O., Antonelli C., Eyrolle-Boyer F., Pairaud I., Raimbault P. |
Observation strategy for quantifying particulate contaminant fluxes along the Rhône River: the Rhône Sediment Observatory (OSR) |
Antonelli C. |
Eyrolle-Boyer F., Antonelli C., Raimbault P. |
SORA Observatory Station in Arles - Origin and current status of radioactivity levels in the Rhône River |
Apostolova M. |
Mendoza E., Reis V., Brown I., De Wit F., Silva S., Palomino W., Fuentes H., Torres J.O., Reyes J., Lopes E., Gomes J., Bracciali A., Fenzl N., Apostolova M. |
Adaptation to Climate Change in the Transboundary MAP Region |
Archambaud G. |
Morel A., Dumont B., Pujol A., Archambaud G., Bêche L. |
Recolonization dynamics of benthic macroinvertebrates following a sediment unclogging event in a regulated section of the Durance River |
Armani G. |
Armani G. |
The release of sediments accumulated in the upper Rhône dam: a revealing event of the complexity of contemporary river management |
Armijos E. |
Filizola N., Oliveira T., Armijos E., Zumak A., Fraizy P., Alfenas J., Sampaio F., Fenzl N. |
An Amazonian fluvial survey and its contributions to a strategic action plan on the water resource management on the world biggest watershed |
Arnaud F. |
Arnaud F., Staentzel C., Beisel J.-N., Piégay H., Grac C., Trémolières M., Combroux I., Schmitt L., Barillier A., Garnier A. |
Geomorphic and ecological monitoring of an experimental sediment reintroduction into the Rhine River downstream of the Kembs dam |
Arnaud F. |
Arnaud F., Piégay H., Wawrzyniak V., Lejot J., Collery P., Michel K., Bultingaire L., Drissi N., Tissot C. |
Characterization of aquatic habitats and sedimentary dynamic on a regulated gravel bed river |
Arnaud-Fassetta G. |
Hénaff Q., Arnaud-Fassetta G., Beltrando G. |
Downstream Rhône River hydro-meteorological disasters are they geographical events? |
Arthaud F. |
Paran F., Graillot D., Bornette G., Marmonier P., Arthaud F., Piscart C., Lavastre V., Flipo N., Mouhri A., Vergnes J.-P., Habets F., Tallec G., Chatelier M., Cadilhac L., Maugis P., Augeard B. |
Characterization of the interaction between surface water and groundwater: a scientific practical guidebook |
Assani A. |
Boucher Y., Alibert M., Assani A. |
Analysis of the morphological evolution of a semi-alluvial river channel: the case of the Matawin River |
Assani A. |
Pothier Champagne A., Assani A., Sylvain J.-M. |
Impacts of the strongest El Niño episodes on characteristics of annual minimum streamflow in southern Quebec |
Aufleger M. |
Baran R., Aufleger M., Steinbacher F. |
Airborne Hydromapping – a comprehensive tool for sustainable river management |
Augeard B. |
Paran F., Graillot D., Bornette G., Marmonier P., Arthaud F., Piscart C., Lavastre V., Flipo N., Mouhri A., Vergnes J.-P., Habets F., Tallec G., Chatelier M., Cadilhac L., Maugis P., Augeard B. |
Characterization of the interaction between surface water and groundwater: a scientific practical guidebook |
Augustijn D. |
Koopman R., Lenders R., Leuven R., Breure T., Augustijn D. |
How to quantify spatiotemporal development of riverine ecosystem services? |
Augustin S. |
Denux O., Dauffy-Richard E., Ndiaye A., Rossi J.-P., Augustin S. |
Short-term impact of the island levelling in mid-Loire river on the recolonization by ground beetles |
Augustin S. |
Villar M., Augustin S., Chantereau M., Chevalier R., Denux O., Dubois A., Guerin V., Greulich S., Hemeray D., Jorge V., Marin S., Martin H., Ndiaye A., Rodrigues S., Rossi J.-P., Wintenberger C. |
Impacts of fluvial maintenance operations on some biodiversity components within the island mosaic of Mareau-aux-prés (Loire river) |
B |
Babut M. |
Babut M., Labadie P., Budzinski H., Bertin D., Munoz G. |
Contamination of benthic invertebrates and fish by perfluorinated compounds in the Rhone River (France) |
Babut M. |
Mourier B., Lenain J.-F., Desmet M., Develle A.-L., Babut M., Roux G., Winiarski T. |
XRF scanning of sediment cores from the Rhône River: an estimation of trajectories of metal contamination? |
Baldioceda A. |
Suárez A., Golcher C., Rojas D., Baldioceda A. |
Water quality and riparian areas evaluation at the Liberia River Basin, Guanacaste, Costa Rica |
Ballouche A. |
Wantzen K.M., Ballouche A., Longuet I. |
UNESCO Chair «River Culture/Fleuves et Patrimoine» |
Baran R. |
Baran R., Aufleger M., Steinbacher F. |
Airborne Hydromapping – a comprehensive tool for sustainable river management |
Baril D. |
Gouraud V., Baril D., Barillier A., Tissot L., Cattanéo F. |
Impact of the hydroelectric facilities: how to identify the efficient mitigation measures? |
Baril D. |
Baril D., Chanseau M., Céciliot E., Roche P., Valadou B. |
Assessment of the Potential Impacts of Additional Hydroelectric Projects on Neotropical Freshwater Ecosystem in French Guiana |
Baril D. |
Cattanéo F., Gouraud V., Tissot L., Barillier A., Carrel G., Chappaz R., Beaudou D., Baril D. |
Spring floods and temperature are main drivers of the fish assemblage of a Mediterranean regulated river (Durance River, France) |
Barillier A. |
Gouraud V., Baril D., Barillier A., Tissot L., Cattanéo F. |
Impact of the hydroelectric facilities: how to identify the efficient mitigation measures? |
Barillier A. |
Reynier T., Lachat B., Morand D., Steinle A., Garnier A., Barillier A. |
Restoration of an old bed of the river Rhine on the Kembs island: Innovative processes and tools in an ambitious site's service |
Barillier A. |
Staentzel C., Beisel J.-N., Durand P., Combroux I., Trémolières M., Barillier A. |
Feedback of a bank controlled erosion project in the Old Rhine: monitoring of macroinvertebrates, fish and aquatic & riparian plants |
Barillier A. |
Arnaud F., Staentzel C., Beisel J.-N., Piégay H., Grac C., Trémolières M., Combroux I., Schmitt L., Barillier A., Garnier A. |
Geomorphic and ecological monitoring of an experimental sediment reintroduction into the Rhine River downstream of the Kembs dam |
Barillier A. |
Meylan S., Sandoz S., Durand P., Barillier A. |
Short-term biological colonization of an artificial river |
Barillier A. |
Cattanéo F., Gouraud V., Tissot L., Barillier A., Carrel G., Chappaz R., Beaudou D., Baril D. |
Spring floods and temperature are main drivers of the fish assemblage of a Mediterranean regulated river (Durance River, France) |
Baron V. |
Poirel A., Langlais S., Duvert C., Baron V. |
Thermal evolution of the Rhône River: using long-term time-series temperature data to distinguish between the influence of climate change and the effects of water resource infrastructure along the river |
Baudin A. |
Flipo N., Rivière A., Mouhri A., Cuisinier E., Pasquet S., Bodet L., Rejiba F., Jost A., Berrhouma A., Tallec G., Durand V., Ansart P., Baudin A., Goblet P. |
Quantification of high frequency stream-aquifer exchanges from the local to the watershed scale |
Beauger A. |
Beauger A., Peiry J.-L., Garreau A., Voldoire O. |
Benthic diatom and macroinvertebrate communities from the impacted bypass channel of Poutès, upper Allier River (France): preliminary results before the dam removal |
Bêche L. |
Morel A., Dumont B., Pujol A., Archambaud G., Bêche L. |
Recolonization dynamics of benthic macroinvertebrates following a sediment unclogging event in a regulated section of the Durance River |
Beisel J.-N. |
Eschbach D., Schmitt L., Trémolières M., Grac C., Beisel J.-N., Finaud-Guyot P., Weill S., Payraudeau S., Imfeld G., Grussenmeyer P. |
Functional restoration of a Rhine anastomosing channel: temporal trajectory, initial state, post-restoration monitoring, modelling (Upper Rhine, France, Rohrschollen island) |
Beisel J.-N. |
Staentzel C., Beisel J.-N., Durand P., Combroux I., Trémolières M., Barillier A. |
Feedback of a bank controlled erosion project in the Old Rhine: monitoring of macroinvertebrates, fish and aquatic & riparian plants |
Beisel J.-N. |
Arnaud F., Staentzel C., Beisel J.-N., Piégay H., Grac C., Trémolières M., Combroux I., Schmitt L., Barillier A., Garnier A. |
Geomorphic and ecological monitoring of an experimental sediment reintroduction into the Rhine River downstream of the Kembs dam |
Beisel J.-N. |
Schmitt L., Serouilou J., Beisel J.-N. |
Restoration projects in the Upper Rhine River: towards the implementation of a transboundary and transdisciplinary observatory? |
Bellenger M.C. |
Bellenger M.C., Machemehl C., Sirost O. |
Conveyors of nature facing renaturation. Hunters, gatherers, fishermen in the Seine Valley |
Belletti B. |
Alber A., Piégay H., Belletti B. |
Managing the laterally active rivers of the Rhône basin: production of large-scale thematic maps for helping managers to plan preservation and restoration of the erodible corridor |
Belletti B. |
Rinaldi M., Belletti B., Bussettini M., Comiti F., Golfieri B., Lastoria B., Nardi L., Surian N. |
New tools for the hydromorphological assessment of European streams |
Belletti B. |
Belletti B., Rinaldi M., Comiti F., Nardi L., Mao L., Bussettini M. |
The Geomorphic Units survey and classification System (GUS) |
Belleudy P. |
Jourdain C., Belleudy P., Tal M., Malavoi J.-R. |
The role of high flow events on sediment transport and deposition on vegetated bars of the Isere River |
Belleville L. |
Manin O., Grenier M., Belleville L. |
Dialogue and communication feedback about integrated projects on the Isere and Romanche rivers |
Beltrando G. |
Hénaff Q., Arnaud-Fassetta G., Beltrando G. |
Downstream Rhône River hydro-meteorological disasters are they geographical events? |
Benacchio V. |
Benacchio V., Piégay H., Buffin-Bélanger T., Vaudor L., Michel K. |
Use of ground cameras to monitor riverscape changes: example for wood rafts and ice covers dynamics |
Bennett S. |
Langendoen E., Abad J., Bennett S. |
A multifaceted approach to prioritize and design bank stabilization measures along the Big Sioux River, South Dakota, USA |
Bergé F. |
Chazot S., Sivade E., Fenart P., Chauveau M., Mahe M., Bergé F. |
How abundant is the Rhone? Assessment of the water footprint and its effects on present and possible future streamflow |
Berger J.-F. |
Berger J.-F., Salvador P.-G. |
A record of climate forcing and human impact on the functioning and evolution of palaeochannels of the Rhone: seeking an analogue to the current warming; initial results from the site of the Platière and Basses Dauphinoises floodplains |
Bernard C. |
Schmidt S., Bernard C., Lamouroux M., Ventura A., Escalier J.-M., Etcheber H. |
Assessing and managing the risks of hypoxia in transitional waters: a case study in the Gironde estuary (South-West France) |
Berne A. |
Andriamahefa H., Charrais J., Da Costa P., Detry P., Malavoi J.-R., Berne A. |
The French Ecolabel “Wild River Site”: a New Conservation Tool for Outstanding Rivers |
Berrhouma A. |
Flipo N., Rivière A., Mouhri A., Cuisinier E., Pasquet S., Bodet L., Rejiba F., Jost A., Berrhouma A., Tallec G., Durand V., Ansart P., Baudin A., Goblet P. |
Quantification of high frequency stream-aquifer exchanges from the local to the watershed scale |
Bertin D. |
Babut M., Labadie P., Budzinski H., Bertin D., Munoz G. |
Contamination of benthic invertebrates and fish by perfluorinated compounds in the Rhone River (France) |
Bertrand C. |
Claret C., Priour L., Oursel B., Vienney A., Logez M., Fayolle S., Bertrand C., Marmonier P., Franquet E. |
Link between connectivity and benthic layer functioning: example of the dike fields along the Rhône River |
Bertrand C. |
Fayolle S., Bertrand C., Oursel B., Priour L., Vienney A., Claret C., Marmonier P., Franquet E. |
Link between phytoplankton communities and connectivity: example of the dike fields along the Rhône River (France) |
Bertrand M. |
Seignemartin G., Räpple B., Piégay H., Bertrand M., Talaska N., Gruel C.R. |
Estimated volume of fine sediments accumulated in the Rhône river margins at Péage-de-Roussillon: cumulative impact of embankment and by-passing |
Besombes J.-L. |
Marçais J., Piot C., Fanget P., Némery J., Thollet F., Naffrechoux E., Besombes J.-L. |
Transfer of PCB and PAH from the atmosphere to the Arc river (French Alps) |
Bhagawant P. |
Latkar P., Bhagawant P., Borwanker S. |
Reconnecting with rivers in the realm of today's urbanization: A Case of four Indian Rivers |
Billen G. |
Meybeck M., Lestel L., Billen G., Mouchel J.-M., Garnier J., Carré C. |
“Longue Durée” trajectories of river chemical quality indicators: the Seine case study (1900s-2010) |
Billen G. |
Thieu V., Silvestre M., Billen G., Garnier J., Passy P., Lassaletta L. |
Nutrient transfer in aquatic continuum and delivery to coastal zone: rising up the challenge of a generic application of the Riverstrahler ecological model to the watershed domain of the European North Atlantic Ocean |
Billy P. |
Gentric J., Billy P. |
Managing flood risks in the Rhone valley: the essential role of studies, research and methodological tools |
Bizzi S. |
Bizzi S., Demarchi L., Weissteiner C., Van De Bund W., Piégay H. |
The use of remote sensing data for regional hydromorphological characterization |
Blum J. |
Singer M., Harrison L., Blum J., Donavan P., Marvin-Dipasquale M. |
Geomorphology, hydrology, and the bioavailability of mercury to riverine food webs |
Boccarossa A. |
Carre C., Meybeck M., Esculier F., Moatar F., Boccarossa A. |
French rivers and their quality objectives: from monitoring station to fluxes to the oceans |
Bodet L. |
Flipo N., Rivière A., Mouhri A., Cuisinier E., Pasquet S., Bodet L., Rejiba F., Jost A., Berrhouma A., Tallec G., Durand V., Ansart P., Baudin A., Goblet P. |
Quantification of high frequency stream-aquifer exchanges from the local to the watershed scale |
Boissier M. |
Cristini A., Mano V., Koulinski V., Boissier M. |
Morphological changes in the bed of the Isère: summary assessment, contribution to the definition of a management plan and assistance to stakeholders |
Bonnefond M. |
Bonnefond M., Corbonnois J., Chardon V., Rodrigues S., Cali J., Verdun J., Simonetto E., Tchekpo W., Labergerie E., Juge P. |
Measures of river erosion in a low-energy river (Le Loir, Maine basin- France) |
Bonneu A. |
Bonneu A., Espitalier-Noel G., Torguet P., Jessel J.-P., Sanchez-Pérez J.-M., Vervier P., Sauvage S. |
Simulation of hydrodynamic functioning of wetlands in alluvial plains |
Bonthoux S. |
Voisin L., Servain S., Bonthoux S. |
Urban fringes landscapes, a revival of the territorial public action? |
Bordas F. |
Frémion F., Courtin-Nomade A., Bordas F., Mourier B. |
Impact of hydroelectric plants exploitation on the evolution of water quality: mobility of metals and metalloids |
Bornette G. |
Paran F., Graillot D., Bornette G., Marmonier P., Arthaud F., Piscart C., Lavastre V., Flipo N., Mouhri A., Vergnes J.-P., Habets F., Tallec G., Chatelier M., Cadilhac L., Maugis P., Augeard B. |
Characterization of the interaction between surface water and groundwater: a scientific practical guidebook |
Borwanker S. |
Latkar P., Bhagawant P., Borwanker S. |
Reconnecting with rivers in the realm of today's urbanization: A Case of four Indian Rivers |
Boucher Y. |
Boucher Y., Alibert M., Assani A. |
Analysis of the morphological evolution of a semi-alluvial river channel: the case of the Matawin River |
Boudeffa A.M. |
Boudeffa A.M. |
The Urban Community of Strasbourg facing climatic risks: the programs for flood management |
Bourgeois B. |
Bourgeois B., Vanasse A., Andersen R., González E., Poulin M. |
Plant succession following restoration of riparian communities by tree plantation in agricultural landscapes |
Boussoffara R. |
Pires O., David F., Boussoffara R. |
The footbridge – or how a great river reconnected with the city |
Boyer A.-L. |
Flaminio S., Boyer A.-L., Cottet M., Le Lay Y.-F., Ottini L. |
Breaking down Discourses on a Dammed River |
Boz B. |
Vezza P., Goltara A., Spairani M., Siviglia A., Zolezzi G., Boz B., Stellin D., Mammoliti Mochet A., Comoglio C., Parasiewicz P. |
Using habitat indices to quantify the impact of hydromorphological alterations |
Bracciali A. |
Mendoza E., Reis V., Brown I., De Wit F., Silva S., Palomino W., Fuentes H., Torres J.O., Reyes J., Lopes E., Gomes J., Bracciali A., Fenzl N., Apostolova M. |
Adaptation to Climate Change in the Transboundary MAP Region |
Breilh B. |
Laval F., Vento O., Guilmin E., Koulinski V., Breilh B. |
Upper Drac River project: restoration of a braided river bed incised in clay substratum through sediment reloading and bed widening. First experience feedback one year after works |
Brémond P. |
Dhénain S., Grelot F., Brémond P. |
Can adaptation renew flood management and prevention? |
Brenot A. |
Brenot A. |
Surface water–groundwater interactions in an alluvial valley: combining tools for a better understanding of the recharge capacity of the Isere River alluvial aquifer for the neighborhood of Albertville city |
Breure T. |
Koopman R., Lenders R., Leuven R., Breure T., Augustijn D. |
How to quantify spatiotemporal development of riverine ecosystem services? |
Brierley G. |
Brierley G., Salmond A., Cullum C., Tadaki M., Fenemor A. |
The Te Awaroa Project: Enhancing the ora of New Zealand rivers |
Brown I. |
Mendoza E., Reis V., Brown I., De Wit F., Silva S., Palomino W., Fuentes H., Torres J.O., Reyes J., Lopes E., Gomes J., Bracciali A., Fenzl N., Apostolova M. |
Adaptation to Climate Change in the Transboundary MAP Region |
Brun A. |
Brun A., Pustelnik G., Thieleke R. |
Greater Bordeaux: what regional project for the valley of the Dordogne? |
Brunstein D. |
Dépret T., Gautier E., Hooke J., Grancher D., Virmoux C., Brunstein D. |
Causes of planform stability of a low-energy meandering gravel-bed river (Cher River, France) |
Bruzzone S. |
Bruzzone S., Levy L., Fournier M. |
When the risk becomes opportunity: flooding as possibility for urban agglomerations to affirm themselves in local governance |
Budzinski H. |
Babut M., Labadie P., Budzinski H., Bertin D., Munoz G. |
Contamination of benthic invertebrates and fish by perfluorinated compounds in the Rhone River (France) |
Buffin-Bélanger T. |
Benacchio V., Piégay H., Buffin-Bélanger T., Vaudor L., Michel K. |
Use of ground cameras to monitor riverscape changes: example for wood rafts and ice covers dynamics |
Buijse T. |
Buijse T. |
Hydromorphology of European rivers: impacts of regulation and benefits of rehabilitation |
Buisson M. |
Buisson M., Manin O., Guitard L., Roure F. |
Feedback about 8 fishpasses on the Isere river with different configurations and associated monitoring functionality |
Buisson M. |
Laffont Y., Moiroud C., Buisson M., Grenier M. |
Hydro-ecological restoration along the Romanche River: study methodology and first experience feedbacks |
Bultingaire L. |
Arnaud F., Piégay H., Wawrzyniak V., Lejot J., Collery P., Michel K., Bultingaire L., Drissi N., Tissot C. |
Characterization of aquatic habitats and sedimentary dynamic on a regulated gravel bed river |
Burens A. |
Groparu T., Carozza J.-M., Valette P., Tudor M., Burens A., Carozza L. |
The Interest of geohistorical approaches for wetland management: the case of the Danube Delta |
Burkart A. |
Hortobágyi B., Vautier F., Burkart A., Wrobel T., Peiry J.-L., Steiger J., Corenblit D. |
Use of photogrammetry for the study of riparian vegetation dynamics |
Bussettini M. |
Rinaldi M., Belletti B., Bussettini M., Comiti F., Golfieri B., Lastoria B., Nardi L., Surian N. |
New tools for the hydromorphological assessment of European streams |
Bussettini M. |
Belletti B., Rinaldi M., Comiti F., Nardi L., Mao L., Bussettini M. |
The Geomorphic Units survey and classification System (GUS) |