Author Index


Résumé Odelberg A. Stickler M., Odelberg A. NORWAY Environmental design of regulated rivers- Case Ljungan River Sweden
Résumé Oglęcki P. Wyżga B., Przebięda M., Paweł M., Radecki-Pawlik A., Amirowicz A., Oglęcki P., Zawiejska J. POLAND Environment-friendly reduction of flood risk and infrastructure damage in a mountain river: case study of the Czarny Dunajec
Résumé O'hare M. Gurnell A., O'hare M., Corenblit D., García De Jalón D., González Del Tánago M., Grabowski R. UNITED KINGDOM Conceptualising Hydrogeomorphology – Vegetation Interactions along River Corridors
Résumé Oliveira T. Filizola N., Oliveira T., Armijos E., Zumak A., Fraizy P., Alfenas J., Sampaio F., Fenzl N. BRAZIL An Amazonian fluvial survey and its contributions to a strategic action plan on the water resource management on the world biggest watershed
Résumé Olivier J. Olivier J.-M., Lamouroux N., Sivade E., Zylberblat M., Castella E., Piégay H., Forcellini M., Mérigoux-Lhopital S., Riquier J., Paillex A., Dolédec S., Vaudor L., Daufresne M. FRANCE Hydaulic and ecological restoration of the Rhône River: feed-back and lessons
Résumé Olivier J.-M. Carrel G., Testi B., Meynard M., Veslot J., Olivier J., Persat H., Fruget J.-F., Centofanti M., Capra H., Lamouroux N., Poirel A. FRANCE Regional size variability of young-of-the-year roach Rutilus rutilus (L.) and chub Squalius cephalus (L.) in the Rhône River, France
Résumé Ottini L. Flaminio S., Boyer A.-L., Cottet M., Le Lay Y.-F., Ottini L. FRANCE Breaking down Discourses on a Dammed River
Résumé Oursel B. Claret C., Priour L., Oursel B., Vienney A., Logez M., Fayolle S., Bertrand C., Marmonier P., Franquet E. FRANCE Link between connectivity and benthic layer functioning: example of the dike fields along the Rhône River
Résumé Oursel B. Fayolle S., Bertrand C., Oursel B., Priour L., Vienney A., Claret C., Marmonier P., Franquet E. FRANCE Link between phytoplankton communities and connectivity: example of the dike fields along the Rhône River (France)
Résumé Ozenne M. Haghe J.-P., Guerri O., Ozenne M., Jeanneau N. FRANCE The riparian owners, unsung heroes for the management of rivers and aquatic environment
Résumé Paillex A. Olivier J.-M., Lamouroux N., Sivade E., Zylberblat M., Castella E., Piégay H., Forcellini M., Mérigoux-Lhopital S., Riquier J., Paillex A., Dolédec S., Vaudor L., Daufresne M. FRANCE Hydaulic and ecological restoration of the Rhône River: feed-back and lessons
Résumé Pairaud I. Le Bescond C., Thollet F., Le Coz J., Launay M., Angot H., Coquery M., Gairoard S., Radakovitch O., Antonelli C., Eyrolle-Boyer F., Pairaud I., Raimbault P. FRANCE Observation strategy for quantifying particulate contaminant fluxes along the Rhône River: the Rhône Sediment Observatory (OSR)
Résumé Palomino W. Mendoza E., Reis V., Brown I., De Wit F., Silva S., Palomino W., Fuentes H., Torres J.O., Reyes J., Lopes E., Gomes J., Bracciali A., Fenzl N., Apostolova M. BRAZIL Adaptation to Climate Change in the Transboundary MAP Region
Résumé Paquier A. Naudet G., Le Coz J., Camenen B., Paquier A., Piégay H. FRANCE Numerical modelling contribution to sedimentary redynamisation projects in the Ain River
Résumé Paran F. Paran F., Graillot D., Bornette G., Marmonier P., Arthaud F., Piscart C., Lavastre V., Flipo N., Mouhri A., Vergnes J.-P., Habets F., Tallec G., Chatelier M., Cadilhac L., Maugis P., Augeard B. FRANCE Characterization of the interaction between surface water and groundwater: a scientific practical guidebook
Résumé Paran F. Paran F., Conord C., Dujardin F., Doumas M., Cottet M., Joliveau T., Gunnel Y. FRANCE A picture library for the Rhône River: an experience of citizen science
Résumé Paran F. Servain S., Andrieu D., Douvinet J., Graillot D., Paran F. FRANCE Valuing the words of local actors in preventive measures – For feedback on vulnerability to flooding in three towns of the Loire basin
Résumé Parasiewicz P. Vezza P., Goltara A., Spairani M., Siviglia A., Zolezzi G., Boz B., Stellin D., Mammoliti Mochet A., Comoglio C., Parasiewicz P. ITALY Using habitat indices to quantify the impact of hydromorphological alterations
Résumé Parmentier H. Santasusagna Riu A., Parmentier H., Clémençon A.-S. SPAIN Land-use change in riverfront areas. Two case studies: Lyon (France) and Lleida (Spain)
Résumé Parussatti S. Roset N., Parussatti S., Sadot M., Lorieau F., Lefebre S. FRANCE Long term monitoring of the Rhone River fish community – Network evolution and methodological changes
Résumé Pasquet S. Flipo N., Rivière A., Mouhri A., Cuisinier E., Pasquet S., Bodet L., Rejiba F., Jost A., Berrhouma A., Tallec G., Durand V., Ansart P., Baudin A., Goblet P. FRANCE Quantification of high frequency stream-aquifer exchanges from the local to the watershed scale
Résumé Passy P. Thieu V., Silvestre M., Billen G., Garnier J., Passy P., Lassaletta L. FRANCE Nutrient transfer in aquatic continuum and delivery to coastal zone: rising up the challenge of a generic application of the Riverstrahler ecological model to the watershed domain of the European North Atlantic Ocean
Résumé Pastor L. Coularis C., Tisnérat-Laborde N., Fontugne M., Pastor L., Siclet F., Alberic P. FRANCE Seasonal evolution of carbon exchanges between the different compartments of carbon (DIC, DOC and POC) using carbon isotopes (12C, 13C and 14C) in the Loire river basin
Résumé Paweł M. Wyżga B., Przebięda M., Paweł M., Radecki-Pawlik A., Amirowicz A., Oglęcki P., Zawiejska J. POLAND Environment-friendly reduction of flood risk and infrastructure damage in a mountain river: case study of the Czarny Dunajec
Résumé Payraudeau S. Eschbach D., Schmitt L., Trémolières M., Grac C., Beisel J.-N., Finaud-Guyot P., Weill S., Payraudeau S., Imfeld G., Grussenmeyer P. FRANCE Functional restoration of a Rhine anastomosing channel: temporal trajectory, initial state, post-restoration monitoring, modelling (Upper Rhine, France, Rohrschollen island)
Résumé Peiry J.-L. Hortobágyi B., Vautier F., Burkart A., Wrobel T., Peiry J.-L., Steiger J., Corenblit D. FRANCE Use of photogrammetry for the study of riparian vegetation dynamics
Résumé Peiry J.-L. Ravelojaona T., Peiry J.-L., Vautier F. FRANCE Geomorphic characterization of the bypass channel of Poutès, upper Allier river (France): preliminary results before the dam removing
Résumé Peiry J.-L. Beauger A., Peiry J.-L., Garreau A., Voldoire O. FRANCE Benthic diatom and macroinvertebrate communities from the impacted bypass channel of Poutès, upper Allier River (France): preliminary results before the dam removal
Résumé Persat H. Carrel G., Testi B., Meynard M., Veslot J., Olivier J., Persat H., Fruget J.-F., Centofanti M., Capra H., Lamouroux N., Poirel A. FRANCE Regional size variability of young-of-the-year roach Rutilus rutilus (L.) and chub Squalius cephalus (L.) in the Rhône River, France
Résumé Piégay H. Bizzi S., Demarchi L., Weissteiner C., Van De Bund W., Piégay H. ITALY The use of remote sensing data for regional hydromorphological characterization
Résumé Piégay H. Alber A., Piégay H., Belletti B. FRANCE Managing the laterally active rivers of the Rhône basin: production of large-scale thematic maps for helping managers to plan preservation and restoration of the erodible corridor
Résumé Piégay H. Benacchio V., Piégay H., Buffin-Bélanger T., Vaudor L., Michel K. FRANCE Use of ground cameras to monitor riverscape changes: example for wood rafts and ice covers dynamics
Résumé Piégay H. Riquier J., Piégay H., Lamouroux N. FRANCE Predicting grain size patterns and the propensity to accumulate fine particle deposits of restored floodplain channels (Rhône River)
Résumé Piégay H. Räpple B., Piégay H., Seignemartin G., Villet O., Franquet E. FRANCE Artificial wetlands on the Rhône River: a comparative approach to investigate their evolution and hydro-sedimentary functioning
Résumé Piégay H. Wawrzyniak V., Piégay H., Allemand P., Grandjean P., Goma R. FRANCE Characterization of thermal refuges along the lower Ain River using thermal infrared remote sensing: implications for conservation and restoration
Résumé Piégay H. Stella J., Piégay H., Riddle J., Gruel C., Raepple B. USA Riparian forest impacts and dynamics on large rivers managed for multiple uses; insights from the Sacramento (California, USA) and Rhône (France)
Résumé Piégay H. Arnaud F., Staentzel C., Beisel J.-N., Piégay H., Grac C., Trémolières M., Combroux I., Schmitt L., Barillier A., Garnier A. FRANCE Geomorphic and ecological monitoring of an experimental sediment reintroduction into the Rhine River downstream of the Kembs dam
Résumé Piégay H. Olivier J.-M., Lamouroux N., Sivade E., Zylberblat M., Castella E., Piégay H., Forcellini M., Mérigoux-Lhopital S., Riquier J., Paillex A., Dolédec S., Vaudor L., Daufresne M. FRANCE Hydaulic and ecological restoration of the Rhône River: feed-back and lessons
Résumé Piégay H. Comby E., Le Lay Y.-F., Piégay H. FRANCE From Risk Management to Integrated River Management? Comparing the Rhône River with the Sacramento River
Résumé Piégay H. Naudet G., Le Coz J., Camenen B., Paquier A., Piégay H. FRANCE Numerical modelling contribution to sedimentary redynamisation projects in the Ain River
Résumé Piégay H. Seignemartin G., Räpple B., Piégay H., Bertrand M., Talaska N., Gruel C.R. FRANCE Estimated volume of fine sediments accumulated in the Rhône river margins at Péage-de-Roussillon: cumulative impact of embankment and by-passing
Résumé Piégay H. Arnaud F., Piégay H., Wawrzyniak V., Lejot J., Collery P., Michel K., Bultingaire L., Drissi N., Tissot C. FRANCE Characterization of aquatic habitats and sedimentary dynamic on a regulated gravel bed river
Résumé Piffady J. Van Looy K., Piffady J. FRANCE Dynamics and Persistence of populations in riparian corridors
Résumé Pilard A. Sourd M., Grivel S., Marchadour B., Lahner V., Pilard A. FRANCE Hydromorphological assessment for the study of evolution of Terns in the Loire Basin (France)
Résumé Pinte K. Pinte K., Clutier A., Schmitt L., Aelbrecht D., Skupinsky G., Eschbach D., Hubeny A. FRANCE Restoring a large by-passed river reach (Old Rhine, France) by controlled lateral erosion: first results concerning bathymetry, topography, bedload survey and grain size analysis
Résumé Pinto P. Pinto P., Kondolf G.M. USA Rivers in urban history: tales of fear, harmony, destruction, and opportunity
Résumé Piot C. Marçais J., Piot C., Fanget P., Némery J., Thollet F., Naffrechoux E., Besombes J.-L. FRANCE Transfer of PCB and PAH from the atmosphere to the Arc river (French Alps)
Résumé Pires O. Lecoeur L., Pires O., Guillon A. FRANCE The Seine riverbanks in the City: A focus of tensions between a dense riverside habitat and a public aspiring to reclaim unique natural spaces
Résumé Pires O. Pires O., David F., Boussoffara R. FRANCE The footbridge – or how a great river reconnected with the city
Résumé Piscart C. Paran F., Graillot D., Bornette G., Marmonier P., Arthaud F., Piscart C., Lavastre V., Flipo N., Mouhri A., Vergnes J.-P., Habets F., Tallec G., Chatelier M., Cadilhac L., Maugis P., Augeard B. FRANCE Characterization of the interaction between surface water and groundwater: a scientific practical guidebook
Résumé Plancot C. Plancot C., Dauphin Y., Lecoeur L. FRANCE Flood Defences of the Left Bank Valley project (Hauts-de-Seine): How can land use planning contribute to better flood prevention?
Résumé Ploquin S. Garófano-Gómez V., Corenblit D., Steiger J., Moulia B., Ploquin S., Chaleil P., Forestier O., Evette A., González E., Hortobágyi B., Lambs L. FRANCE Response of black poplar (Populus nigra L.) to hydrogeomorphological constraints: a semi-controlled ex situ experiment
Résumé Poirel A. Poirel A., Langlais S., Duvert C., Baron V. FRANCE Thermal evolution of the Rhône River: using long-term time-series temperature data to distinguish between the influence of climate change and the effects of water resource infrastructure along the river
Résumé Poirel A. Carrel G., Testi B., Meynard M., Veslot J., Olivier J., Persat H., Fruget J.-F., Centofanti M., Capra H., Lamouroux N., Poirel A. FRANCE Regional size variability of young-of-the-year roach Rutilus rutilus (L.) and chub Squalius cephalus (L.) in the Rhône River, France
Résumé Poleto C. Martins P., Poleto C., Jerônimo G. BRAZIL Study of Water Resources Plans as a tool in the management of Integrated Watershed
Résumé Pons M.-N. Pons M.-N. FRANCE Relations between organic carbon and chemical/biological oxygen demands in French rivers
Résumé Pont B. Pont B. FRANCE Structure and dynamic of alluvial forests in french nature reserves network
Résumé Pont D. Haidvogl G., Gruber C., Pont D. AUSTRIA Using historical fish market data (1880 - 1914) to reconstruct fish composition changes of the Austrian Danube at the turn from the 19th to the 20th century
Résumé Pont D. Pont D., Logez M., Carrel G., Haidvogl G. FRANCE Modelling the historical distribution of fish species in large alpine catchments (Rhone, Upper Danube) at the beginning of the 20th century: comparison with historical fish maps and long term change
Résumé Pothier Champagne A. Pothier Champagne A., Assani A., Sylvain J.-M. CANADA Impacts of the strongest El Niño episodes on characteristics of annual minimum streamflow in southern Quebec
Résumé Pothin V. Pothin V., Fleury J., Dussouillez P., Vella C., Vassas C., Tal M. FRANCE Evolution of the downstream reach of the Buech River upstream of a gravel trap (PAG) based on bed-elevation monitoring
Résumé Poulin M. González E., Sher A., Tabacchi E., Masip A., Poulin M. FRANCE How has restoration of riparian vegetation been implemented and evaluated in the international literature?
Résumé Poulin M. Bourgeois B., Vanasse A., Andersen R., González E., Poulin M. CANADA Plant succession following restoration of riparian communities by tree plantation in agricultural landscapes
Résumé Pressiat F. Khaladi A., Pressiat F., Simonnot J.-L. FRANCE French-Albanian cooperation for the integrated water resources management of river: Vjosa
Résumé Priour L. Claret C., Priour L., Oursel B., Vienney A., Logez M., Fayolle S., Bertrand C., Marmonier P., Franquet E. FRANCE Link between connectivity and benthic layer functioning: example of the dike fields along the Rhône River
Résumé Priour L. Fayolle S., Bertrand C., Oursel B., Priour L., Vienney A., Claret C., Marmonier P., Franquet E. FRANCE Link between phytoplankton communities and connectivity: example of the dike fields along the Rhône River (France)
Résumé Przebięda M. Wyżga B., Przebięda M., Paweł M., Radecki-Pawlik A., Amirowicz A., Oglęcki P., Zawiejska J. POLAND Environment-friendly reduction of flood risk and infrastructure damage in a mountain river: case study of the Czarny Dunajec
Résumé Pujol A. Morel A., Dumont B., Pujol A., Archambaud G., Bêche L. FRANCE Recolonization dynamics of benthic macroinvertebrates following a sediment unclogging event in a regulated section of the Durance River
Résumé Puleston C. Matzek V., Puleston C., Gunn J. USA Carbon credits as a means of financing ecological restoration of riparian forest, Sacramento River, California, USA
Résumé Pustelnik G. Brun A., Pustelnik G., Thieleke R. FRANCE Greater Bordeaux: what regional project for the valley of the Dordogne?